We’re one of Europe’s largest contractual funds and have been caring for the health of our members since 1977, providing them with healthcare to supplement that provided by the Italian National Health Service

We’re there for the most important – and especially the most difficult – moments in our members’ lives

Fasi offers healthcare services also to the families of members

You can continue to benefit from Fasi’s protection services even after you retire

Do you want to join Fasi?

Select your type of membership and explore what you need

Industrial manager in active employment at a company that is a member of the Fund and to which the CCNL for industrial managers applies

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Working industrial managers at a company that is not a member of the Fund and to which the CCNL for industrial managers applies

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Industrial manager who has attained the right to retire (contributory retirement pension, old age pension, invalidity pension) and who has accrued the required years of membership.

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Industrial manager who has attained the right to retire (contributory retirement pension, old age pension, invalidity pension) but who has not accrued a period of Fasi membership of at least 10 years, will be able to enrol conventionally (i.e. by paying a premium equal to that paid by the manager and the company).

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Holders of widow’s/widower’s or survivor’s pensions of working managers at companies paying the increased Article G premium (managers who were not members of the Fund at the date of death) can apply for enrolment.

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Employees of companies having a CCNL (national collective labour agreement) other than that signed by the Associates, but nevertheless signed by at least one of them, or by a national organisation relating to one of them, may enrol with Fasi provided that the said CCNL allows enrolment in Fasi by working managers.

Employees of Confindustria-associated companies to which a CCNL other than that signed by the Associates applies may also enrol.

To request information, please complete the following form.

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Fasi and prevention

Take care of your body,
it's the only place you have to live in.

At Fasi we’ve moved strongly towards preventive healthcare. We’ve chosen to offer all our clients the widest and most promptly delivered healthcare protection possible, because we know how important it is to treat the most common illnesses as early as possible.

Discover our Prevention Packages

Fasi, which has always recognised the importance of protecting the most vulnerable categories, has broadened its range of protections for clients who are not self-sufficient

GS-Fasi provides Fasi health and supplementary cover, and insurance against death or permanent disability.